Leasing a delivery van with a negative BKR

Bedrijfswagenleasing has more confidence in entrepreneurs than other leasing companies in the Netherlands. Our company has an acceptance policy that leads to a lease agreement in 95% of all cases, whether you are a starter, self-employed or an SME.

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What is a BKR registration?

A BKR registration keeps track of how many loans you have and whether you have paid on time. If you want to take out a new loan, companies can request this information from the BKR. Many fellow leasing companies carry out a financial check before they conclude the lease contract with you. When you have a negative BKR registration, you often do not get through the check.

No BKR test with Bedrijfswagenleasing

We at Bedrijfswagenleasing believe that we should look further than just paying attention to a negative BKR registration. We believe that your creditworthiness cannot be determined by a computer. Bedrijfswagenleasing looks at the possibilities with you to conclude a lease contract, because after all you cannot do business without a commercial vehicle. Our advisers therefore look at the most attractive option for each situation.

The advantages

The advantages of leasing with Bedrijfswagenleasing.

Smooth acceptance

Flexible acceptance policy: also starters and freelancers

Large stock

250 delivery vans directly available from stock

Free home delivery

Free home delivery throughout the Netherlands

Own acceptance policy

We look at people, not numbers!

Choose from different lease forms

Choice of operating lease & financial lease

Smooth acceptance

Flexible acceptance policy: also starters and freelancers

Large stock

250 delivery vans directly available from stock

Free home delivery

Free home delivery throughout the Netherlands

Own acceptance policy

We look at people, not numbers!

Choose from different lease forms

Choice of operating lease & financial lease
  • How does a BKR registration work?

    A BKR registration keeps track of how many loans you have and whether you have paid on time. If you want to take out a new loan, companies can request this information from the BKR. This helps companies determine if you are making an overly heavy financial commitment that could put you and the company in trouble. If you always meet your agreements, the BKR registration is positive. If you have not fulfilled your financial obligations for a longer period, a negative registration with the BKR may follow. In a number of cases, this negative registration can have an impact on your ability to take out new loans. Consider, for example, taking out a mortgage.

  • I have a negative BKR registration

    Have you had payment problems in the past, leading to a negative BKR registration? This does not necessarily mean that we do not welcome you as a customer. At Bedrijfswagenleasing, we assess your situation based on confidence in your company. We believe that you as an entrepreneur can properly assess whether you can meet your payment obligations. In addition, organizations are not allowed to simply carry out a BKR test before they offer you a lease contract; you must first give permission for this.

    We never do a BKR test and you are welcome to request a quote from us with a negative BKR registration. We give you the opportunity to lease, but we use a payment term of 8 days instead of 30 days. 

  • Do I receive a BKR registration when leasing a car?

    At Commercial Vehicle Leasing you can leasing without a BKR listing receive. So we do not register you with the BKR Foundation when concluding a lease contract.

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